New Contributor's Button and Request for Bios

At the suggestion of Jeannie Ewing, I just whipped up a contributor's button for writers to put on their blogs, if they so wish, with a link back to this site. The button is in the sidebar.
For those on wordpress, it is possible to copy and paste the URL of the button posted below for an image widget and add a link back to ACWB manually.

I actually figured out how to make a HTML grab button with an automatic link back to this site with Cristina T.'s tips!! It is on our sidebar. This is a miracle.
You have probably noticed that I have created a page for writer's biographies and any books our writers have published. Intially, I simply dug up old introductory posts written by a few of our writers but in the last week writers are rewiting their bios or writing ones for the first time and including small pictures of themselves. Feel free to rewrite or write your bio for the first time and email it to me; I will add it to our bio page.

Thank-you for all your well written articles. I am so pleased and I am thrilled at this sign of the diversity, life and creativity in the Body of Christ.


  1. I am hopeless! I would love to submit posts, send you a writer's bio, and list my Catholic novel Finding Grace on this site. But I am having trouble figuring out how to go about it, even with the tips you gave me when I e-mailed you. Hopefully one of these days I'll figure it all out!

    1. laura - let me check out if all your settings are okay.. we will figure this out together. sorry if I have neglected your plight before this. Might be this evening

    2. I don't know what happened. Although you are listed in our writer's blogs and each post you write pops up in our sidebar, you were noy listed in settings which allows you to write. answer the email anf you shou be free to write articles. I have beeen giving everyone a chance to be admin for a few hours to post their own bio and books

  2. I LOVE the new button!!! Exciting.

    And Laura, how great to see you here! I know Melanie and you will have it figured out in no time. Welcome!

  3. Noted, and thank you for the button. It will be on my A Catholic Citizen in America blog shortly, with a link.

  4. thanks for fixing this grab button.. I am in awe of your skill


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